Fact of the matter is this: David Fincher has not directed a movie since 2014’s “Gone Girl.” He will not a new movie released this year, nor will he probably have one in 2020. So, what’s the deal? He stated just this past weekend that he’d be interested in directing a superhero movie. He seems rather lost, more than anything else, with the studio system closing down its doors on “auteur” filmmakers. He doesn’t have much of a choice but to accept the lack of creative opportunities and just direct a “World War Z” sequel (which he almost did), a Marvel flick or just stick to making brilliant TV shows like “Mindhunter,” of which its first season I adored to death. Before delving into the Netflix game with “House of Cards” and “Mindhunter’“  Fincher was a world-class filmmaker and had a tremendous streak of films going between 1995 and 2014 (“Seven,” “The Game,”  “Fight Club,” “Panic Room,” “Zodiac,” “The Social Network,” “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo,” and “Gone Girl.” ) The only time I felt disappointed by a film of his during that timespan was 2008’s”The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” which still has its fair share of fans. When will we see a David Fincher film again on the big screen? Who knows. The theatrical narrative seems to be a difficult or un-motivating creative endeavor for him at the moment. By 2020 it would be close to 7 years since he last released something theatrically. Contribute Hire me

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