If it were up to me, I’d totally scrap the Leto projects and concentrate on Phoenix, who might just be the most talented actor to have ever partaken in this type of movie, and, yes, I am including Heath Ledger, whose legendary performance as The Joker in 2008’s “The Dark Knight” will surely be very hard to beat. Todd Phillips has been tasked in directing the Phoenix/Origin Joker flick. How did he manage to nab the job? I truly, for the life of me, have no clue. Yes, he did commendable work on “War Dogs,” but Phillips’ filmography consists of 95% comedy (“Frat House,” “Road Trip,” Old School," ‘Starsky and Hutch," “School for Scoundrels,” “The Hangover,” “The Hangover II,” “The Hangover III,” and “Due Date.")  Contribute Hire me

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