In October, an intriguing trailer was released via Netflix for Scott Cooper’s “The Pale Blue Eye.” Telluride, who have had a tight relationship with Cooper over the years, premiering such films as “Black Mass,” “Hostiles,” and “Out of the Furnace,” did not screen ‘Pale Blue Eye’. In fact, the film skipped every major film festival. The result is not even an AFI premiere. Cooper’s film is just going straight to limited theatrical release on December 23rd. Strange. The trailer unveiled made it look like a well-shot and directed affair. Bale seems to fit the part. Ditto Harry Melling as Edgar Allan Poe. “The Pale Blue Eye” screened last night for a select few. The reactions are mostly positive, but, to tell you the truth, not many takes have come out on social media. Here are the very few: Zoë Rose Bryant (Next Best Picture): The Pale Blue Eye is a genuinely gripping whodunit that also functions as an origin story of sorts for Edgar Allen Poe, played here to perfection by a mesmerizing Harry Melling, who holds his own against the commanding Christian Bale. Predictable at points, until a TERRIFIC twist. Rama Tampubolon (Freelance): THE PALE BLUE EYE was a terrific detective story. Dark, clever, & harrowing with a twist I did not see coming. Great costume design, hair & makeup as well, but the best part of them all was Harry Melling’s superbly delectable performance. Brian Davids (THR): If you’re a fan of Christian Bale & Scott Cooper’s past films, then you’re going to love ‘The Pale Blue Eye.’ It’s a gothic murder mystery that’s beautifully made and well acted, featuring a compelling partnership between Bale’s P.I. character and Harry Melling’s Edgar Allan Poe. There are also a handful of reviews on Letterboxd, almost of them positive. “The Pale Blue Eye” stars Christian Bale as a veteran detective who investigates a set of murders, helped by a detail-oriented young cadet who will later become a world famous author, Edgar Allan Poe. The film hits Netflix on January 6, 2023 and as mentioned also gets a limited theatrical release on December 23. Contribute Hire me

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