Here’s the synopsis: “I was a fan of Possessor, hell I liked Antiviral too. Big fan of horror/exploitation/weirdo in general stuff and was rooting for this as the premise and cast seemed on point. The cut I saw had apparently been “completed” (not colour corrected, unfinished audio & VFX etc.) hours before the screening.” “Having these things locked wouldn’t have helped - I’m not saying this to be dramatic or controversial but this was legitimately one of the most disappointing movies I’ve ever seen and was quite literally unreleasable in the form I saw it.” “There’s a fully explicit erect-penis cumshot amongst a number of other NC-17 level graphic sequences, on top of it essentially making no sense. I don’t need to be spoon fed plot, but even for me this was too much - again, not trying to make myself sound like anything more than a semi-knowledgeable fan of the movies here but there’s no chance in hell the average (or even above-average) filmgoer is willing to sit through this (as evidenced by the number of walkouts during the screening).” “I might end up eating these words if they can find some magic in post but as it stood leaving the theatre the consensus seemed to be “what the fuck was that”. I can’t imagine anyone being willing to release it, and its lack of inclusion anywhere this fall seems to be in agreement.” Contribute Hire me

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