Yeah, whatever, fuck off. What a lack of integrity. What a coward. Paul Schrader didn’t take too kindly to Spike rescinding his pro-Allen stance, as the “First Reformed” writer-director was saddened to find out that Lee wasn’t strong enough to “stand up to the PC lynch Mob.” On Facebook, Schrader wrote, “This is dispiriting. If anyone could stand up to the PC lynch mob at this moment it would be Spike. But apparently not. I followed Woody’s history, read his autobiography and, frankly, find it more credible than the Farrow screeds.” Good, another artist who believes Woody Allen’s side of the story and supports the filmmaker. Schrader now joins Scarlett Johansson, Diane Keaton, Alec Baldwin, Cate Blanchett, Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz, and Kristen Stewart as fearless defenders of Allen’s cause. As with every Woody Allen post … If you are the kind of person who is open-minded and would rather inform themself rather than be lazy and just trust inauthentic views of the Woody Allen case, then by all means, read Robert Weide’s excellent dissections of Allen vs Farrow which were posted on 12.13.17, 5.30.16, and, most recently, 1.14.18. Contribute Hire me

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