The whole thing feels like a messy excuse to reboot Godzilla for nostalgia-hungry moviegoers. The actors in this latest entry are a talented bunch (Sally Hawkins, Vera Farmiga, Ziyi Zhang, Ken Watanabe) but this is, what, the 36th feature based on the Japanese Gojira? Despite all the talent, we don’t even care about any of the characters on-screen. However, the biggest sin of “King of the Monsters” is that it really doesn’t know what kind of movie it wants to be. Maybe it should have stuck with the campy moments, which are hampered down by the self-serious dialogue. I do wonder where Universal will go from here, they wanted to reboot all the classic monsters they owned the right to. They already messed up “The Mummy” starring Tom Cruise — Wolfman and Frankenstein were supposed to be next, I would just put a nail in this coffin and move on to other things.

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