“I had the honour of attending the Nightmare Alley screening last night. It felt like a work in progress, some of the musical cues were a little off and the editing was not smooth, it was still a great time. The structure is as noir as it gets. This is not a crowd pleaser, there are no likeable characters (except for Mara). Dan Laustsen’s photography steals the show, some of the shots here are stunning. In that sense del Toro’s movie is through and through a genre picture filled with backstabbing after backstabbing. I don’t think Cooper necessarily gives a remarkable performance as much as he just leads the viewer down a path that’s as twisty as the novel. I read the novel years ago and saw the 1947 movie just last year when I heard of this project, del toro’s version is much more faithful to the novel. It’s a very slimy and dark adaptation that has his blueprint written all over it. Reminded me a lot of the look and feel of his Crimson Peak but it’s a much more complete vision. The fact that this takes place in a carnival setting is absolutely perfect for him but it’s not science-fiction, it’s ingrained in a reality that has no time for ghouls or creatures. He uses a lot of circular settings and mirrors to convey claustrophobia and paranoia. Cooper actually fakes having supernatural abilities to swindle his way to the top. The story is quite messy with a lot of people popping in and out of the story but it really grabs you .The performances that standout are Rooney Mara’s as Cooper’s accomplice in the swindling only to then change her tune and become the only character in the story with actual likability and morals. her innocence is perfect for this role. Cate Blanchett is also stunning as a psychiatristtrying to take down Cooper. It’s a strong female role and she has a couple of scenes where she just steals the entire movie.”A new official trailer was released today and it looks visually stunning. One fear I have with this film is whether it’ll be a case of style over substance, the trailer seems to be hinting a bit at that, but if del Toro has proven anything to us these past few years it’s that he’s the real deal and one of the best filmmakers out there. Contribute Hire me

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