“Merry Christmas to me, from all of you!” he stated “My new middle name has been chosen. You voted and the winner is clear. In 2019 my new legal name will be: Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin. It has a nice ring to it (if you like my name).” This middle name experiment started with a recent appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon at the end of November, where the “Home Alone” star told the host he wanted “to spruce up” his middle name, which was originally Carson. “I was staring at my passport recently and stuff, and I was looking over my middle name,” Culkin said. “And I felt like, you know, I should probably spruce up my name a little bit.” “My middle name is something dumb. Larry? Orange? Honestly, I can’t even remember it,” Culkin wrote to introduce the idea. “So I asked you all to send in some better options so I can go down to the court house and explain to a judge why I need to change my middle name to something cool.” Fans had five options to choose from: Shark Week, Kieran (his brother’s first name), TheMcRibIsBack and Publicity Stunt. However, they had both spoken about the potential of just doubling his first and last name, telling Fallon in November, “So if somebody comes up to me at the airport and says, ‘Excuse me, are you Macaulay Culkin?’ I go, ‘Well, Macaulay Culkin is my middle name.’” Contribute Hire me

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