I had a sneaking suspicion Palmer might have been the one who submitted the “complaint” to Searchlight and today those suspicions have only been enhanced. I’m not sure how anyone missed this Monday rant from Palmer, but she had posted on Instagram what could basically amount to criticizing Murray’s “unprofessional behaviour”: Whew. Where to start? Maybe we just shouldn’t. Again, why would Fox Searchlight stop a marquee production with an 8-figure budget over a “complaint”? Even worse, if the complaint was not sexually related then that’s just pure incompetence on their part. Of course, Palmer’s Instagram post doesn’t specifically refer to Murray, but who are we kidding here? It’s quite clear that Palmer had something to do with Bill Murray being thrown under the bus. Was his behaviour that repugnant that there couldn’t just be a cast and crew meeting to settle their differences? It’s so idiotic. Just tell everyone to be a professional, put a lid on the bad blood, put in a happy face and finish goddamn the movie. Maybe Keke needed a safe space and couldn’t go on with the show. Contribute Hire me

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