Jared Leto went on a 12-day meditation retreat in the desert, unbeknownst to him that a pandemic was about to happen and change the very fabric of global society. Suffice to say, when he came back from this zen voyage, his mind was blown by how the world changed. This means that he missed the chaotic 48 hours the U.S. had last Wednesday when a domino effect of cancellations happened with the NBA, NHL, MLS, SXSW, Tribeca shutting their doors, and public figures such as Tom Hanks, Justin Trudeau’s wife, Sophie, and Idris Elba testing positive for the virus. Not to mention, movie theaters, Broadway shows, film, TV productions, restaurants, and local businesses shutting down all around the country. Leto posted on Instagram: “Walked out yesterday into a very different world. One that’s been changed forever,” he continued. “Mind blowing — to say the least. I’m getting messages from friends and family all around the globe and catching up on what’s going on. Hope you and yours are ok. Sending positive energy to all. Stay inside. Stay safe.” Contribute Hire me

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