Allen, now 83 years of age, was accused by his adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow, of molesting her when she was just 7 years of age. She is now 34, and, in the wake of #MeToo, has started speaking up again about her alleged claim, thus thrusting the case back into the spotlight after years of dormant media attention. Gershon responded to a few of the naysayers on her Instagram by saying “I’ve done extensive research and I can say with very clear conscience that I’m so happy to be working with him.” Replying to another comment pushing the theory of Allen’s guilt, Gershon added: “I don’t believe that to be true. You should really do all of the research and read all of the articles before believing that. It’s really important to make up your own mind and not go by what the masses claim. I’ve done extensive research and I can say with very clear conscience that I’m so happy to be working with him. This man is not a sexual predator!” Gershon is referring to Moses Farrow, the adopted son of Allen and Mia Farrow, who has always shot down the claim that his sister Dylan was molested by Allen back in August 1992. In fact, Moses has accused his mother Mia of being a manipulative control freak when he and his siblings were children. Moses doubled-down on Mia a few months back in an op-ed titled “A Son Speaks Out.” In it, he alleged that his mother Mia had abused him and his siblings at a very young age. He did not go further to explain what the “abuse” consisted of, but he did hint at mental and physical abuses being committed by Mia Farrow during the ‘90s. Of note:  If you are the kind of person that is open-minded and would rather inform his or herself than be lazy and just trust news given to them on a fish hook, then, please, by all means, read Robert Weide’s excellent dissections of Allen vs Farrow which were posted on 12.13.17, 5.30.16, and, most recently, 1.14.18. Contribute Hire me

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