The story goes that Coppola told Cannes in 1979 that he wouldn’t screen “Apocalypse Now” unless it was in competition. They accepted his proposition. It’s been recently revealed that Coppola gave Cannes the same ultimatum for his 2009 film “Tetro”: Competition or you just don’t get to screen the movie. Thierry Fremaux eventually rejected it.
Back to “Apocalypse Now”. Françoise Sagan, the President of the 1979 Jury, complained that Robert Favre Le Bret, director of the Festival, had stepped out of his role and put pressure on the jury to pick Coppola’s film for the Palme d’Or. She wanted the more-than-excellent “The Tin Drum.” Finally the Palme d’Or was given to both films. Over the years, it’s been said that Sagan was exaggerating in her remarks. A number of jury members preferred “Apocalypse Now,” so much so that the jury was severely split between both films and animosity built. Maybe Coppola’s upcoming “Megapolis” does Cannes 2023. One can dream. Contribute Hire me

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