Indian superstar Aamir Khan will star as Forrest Gump in a Bollywood remake of the Tom Hanks-starring, Oscar-winning classic. The Hindi version will be called Lal Singh Chadha and will be directed by Advait Chandan. I would comment on the casting choices and the director helming the project but, in God’s honest truth, and I know this a movie site, I have absolutely no knowledge or insight of Bollywood talent. “We have bought the rights from Paramount," Khan told reporters [via THR] adding: “I have always loved “Forrest Gump” as a script. It is a wonderful story about this character. It is a feel-good film. It is a film for the whole family.” Supposedly, this is not an unusual move on the part of Bollywood. The last few years, more and more Hollywood titles have been remade in the Indian film market; a 2017 remake of Jon Favreau’s “Chef” titled “Bang! Bang!,’ an adaptation of the Tom Cruise-Cameron Diaz movie “Knight and Day,” and not to mention the upcoming “Kizie Aur Manny, “ which is Bollywood’s take on the popular YA movie “The Fault in Our Stars” are just a few of the recent examples. Contribute Hire me

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