This latest “final” trailer is also the best one that’s been released. Gritty, real and artfully shot. What more do you want? I hope the movie exceeds expectations when it premieres at Venice later this week .Joaquin Phoenix as an Oscar contender is becoming more certain by the day … “Joker” is not an origin story as much as it is a crazy clown dude movie.I am fine with that. I am also fine with the term “origin story” not being used ever again for this movie because, according to its director, it will actually be a total reinterpretation of the Joker character, hell, I doubt the word “Batman” will even be uttered in the screenplay (and all the better for it). I was actually sent a script of the film, which I will be reading this before I catch it at TIFF in two weeks, but I am quite excited for this movie. Contribute Hire me

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