No, it’s not a TV series or any sort of short, I’m being told it’s a feature-length film. End of story. I do not know if it will be part of the official competition, but it’s Lynch, how can you deny the master a slot? Keslassy also says James Gray’s “Armageddon Time” is not going to Cannes. A shocker since it was on everyone’s radar for competition. It had been test-screened a week or so ago, but the reactions I received were fairly negative. Was it rejected? The good news is that, with Gray out, you have room for an American to get into competition. I just found out there’s a great American male director in competition that absolutely nobody predicted ( and I’m not talking about Aster, or Lynch) nor am I referring to some Venice hopefuls (Schrader, Chazelle, Field). Stay tuned … Contribute Hire me

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