McKay’s follow-up to “The Big Short,” is the story of ’evil-doer’ Dick Cheney, as played by a ballooned Christian Bale. Cheney was put on the ticket to add “experience” to the Bush Presidency. He was the “man behind the curtain,” the “puppet master” if you will, and, according to many first-hand accounts, ran the day-to-day operations in the White House. He was also one of the architects of the “war on terror,” bypassing various laws, wielding unprecedented power, which then led to the misbegotten invasion of Iraq. Although the president inevitably should have more power than the Vice President, as per the constitution, Cheney exercised more power than most vice presidents ever dreamed they could get. He made some important decisions that Bush then used his power to sign off on. “Vice” will debut in theaters nationwide Christmas Day, Contribute Hire me

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