There were 60 victims, but due to statute of limitations, only Andrea Constand’s case counts, just squeaking past the 15 year limit. During sentencing, Judge Steven O’Neill officially named Cosby as “sexually violent predator.”Despite the severe statement, O’Neil indicated that the sentence will most likely be between “22 to 36 months.” Constand had this to say at the sentencing “Bill Cosby took my beautiful, healthy young spirit and crushed it,” she said (Vulture). “He robbed me of my health and vitality, my open nature, and my trust in myself and others.” Cosby is, of course, scum of the earth — what he perpetrated over the course of four decades to these poor women should have, in my books, gotten him life in prison, but the law is the law, he is 81 years of age, and will spend close to two years in jail.  Contribute Hire me

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