Actor John Cena went on social media this week to apologize for calling the country of Taiwan … a country. Not just that, but he made the apology in Mandarin. What a pinhead! Cena found himself at the center of this controversy after an interview he gave to Taiwanese broadcaster TVBS. Cena told the network that “Taiwan is the first country that can watch ‘F9.’ In his apology video, posted to Chinese social media Weibo, Cena spoke in Mandarin and said, “I’m sorry for my mistake. I must say now, [it’s] very, very, very, very important [that] I love, and respect even more, China and the Chinese people.” This only reinforces what I’ve been warning about these last few years. Hollywood continues to bow to their new overlords in China and they have absolutely no shame doing it. How much more money do these major studios and actors need that they would rather ignore China’s concentration camps and state sponsored killings? Not to mention that we’re in the middle of a pandemic because of the CCP. As I write on 03.21.21 in my aptly titled piece “Thanks to China, Freedom of Expression is at Risk in Hollywood”: “Ultimately, the Chinese takeover of this beloved American industry really matters because it sends the poisonous message that censorship is okay, that you can appease and bow down to an authoritarian regime by stifling the creative process just to get extra bucks. In turn, this sets a precedent for total and unequivocal abidance to the Chinese Communist Party, a positive acknowledgment of their toxic ideals and twistedly undemocratic laws. If you care and are willing to fight, on issues as homophobia, racism, democracy, and freedom of expression then you should be damn-near frightened by the CCP takeover of the industry.” Contribute Hire me

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